Most of us know at least one person who experiences joint pain, and we may even experience it ourselves. Joint pain is no joke, as it can be excruciatingly painful, to the point that it makes doing many daily activities difficult. Fortunately, there are some measures you can take to decrease your joint pain. One way is through collagen.
Although you might already associate collagen with relieving joint pain, did you know that collagen can come in many forms? One of the best types of collagen available for joint pain is UC-II collagen.
What Is Chicken Cartilage?
Chicken cartilage is made of strong tissues and bones that are rich in nutrients and collagen. The majority of cartilage is composed of collagen, a soft, rubber-like tissue that makes up your body's cartilage and protects your joints. Collagen wards off pain in your joints by preventing your bones from grinding against one another, and it is also an important component of our skin. Unfortunately, as we age, our body naturally loses some collagen, leading to wrinkles in our skin and more pain all around. Fortunately, supplementing with chicken collagen can help replenish some of that lost collagen.
UC-II Collagen
UC-II collagen, more specifically, is a patented type of collagen that comes from a chicken's sternum. It contains active immunity modulators that can help signal your body to rebuild and repair joint cartilage.
How Does UC-II Help Joint Pain?
Also known as undenatured type II collagen, this type of collagen is especially helpful at combating joint pain. Active adults realize that as they age the impact of exercise and especially over-exercise can lead to painful joints. It is important for older adults to protect their joints and supplementation with UC-II is a great choice.
Even younger adults are beginning to look for ways to protect themselves from joint problems later in life. Joints can show wear and tear because of the continuous and repetitive movements over time. But they still want to remain active and continue to do what they love. Keeping your joints healthy will allow you to run, walk, jump, play sports and stay active as you age.
Is There Evidence That UC-II Collagen Helps Joint Pain?
In short, yes! Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effect of UC-II collagen on joint pain. We cannot discuss the studies that included participants with medical conditions. But we will talk about one randomized, double-blind study that had one group of healthy individuals who experienced joint discomfit after physical activity, take UC-II for 120 days and compared the results to a placebo group. The placebo group experienced no change in joint pain or flexibility, but the UC-II group demonstrated significantly more knee flexibility and significantly less pain than the placebo group.

Another interesting study showed that participants with osteoarthritis who took UC-II with acetaminophen (Tylenol) for three months had less joint pain, better quality of life, and more function in their joints. Acetaminophen is typically a first-line and somewhat effective treatment for joint pain; however, the fact that those who also took UC-II had better results is telling of the potential this supplement can offer for people who suffer from joint pain.
Joint pain can be an awful experience that prevents you from doing all the things you want to do. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your joint pain, like exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and giving collagen a try. The Mdrive Joint supplement contains UC-II to support your body's cartilage and help maintain the health of your joints. This incredible supplement also has turmeric and bromelain, which have been shown to aid in joint pain as well. It comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee, and you can sign up for an automatic subscription that saves you 10% on each purchase.
I will try it
I am suffering from that same pain in my joints nd I’m 59yrsthank you😁😁😁