Lutemax 2020® Marigold Extract

Award-winning, globally-recognized Lutemax 2020 is a naturally-derived marigold extract providing all three macular carotenoids—lutein and enhanced levels of both zeaxanthin isomers (RR-and RS [meso]-zeaxanthin)—at the same 5:1 ratio as found naturally in the diet. Several clinical studies show Lutemax 2020 helps support eye health as well as focus and cognition.

What Is Marigold Extract?

Marigold extract is derived from the orange colored marigold flower. It has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries.

As a supplement marigold extract has been used to support eye health, cognitive health and more.

Why We Use Lutemax 2020

Lutemax 2020 is a clinically tested and award winning proprietary ingredient made singularly of a naturally derived marigold extract. It contains all three nutritionally relevant macular carotenoids the body needs for brain and eye development.

In scientific research Lutemax 2020 has been shown to improve eye health, blue light eye strain, cognitive improvements, sleep enhancement, and stress management.

Products with Lutemax 2020
See All Tested Ingredients

Results Shown in Real-World Human Studies

Multiple Eye Health Improvements

Multiple Cognitive Improvements

All data shown from randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials.

Products with Lutemax 2020 Marigold Extract