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When Does Your Metabolism Slow Down?

When researching health and fitness, you'll often hear references to metabolism. To sustain a healthy lifestyle, it helps to understand the key factors contributing to (or detracting from) your health. In order to maintain a high level of physical fitness, it's useful to know what metabolism is, how it may change throughout a lifetime, and how you can optimize it.

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Metabolic Processes

The term metabolism is used to cover the many complex processes the body uses to convert food into energy. When combined with oxygen, food and beverage components turn into useable nutrients such as:

  • Carbohydrates: fuel for bodily processes
  • Proteins: broken down into amino acids to support muscle growth
  • Fats: broken down into fatty acids for energy and the creation of key cellular components

Metabolic processes consist of both catabolic and anabolic processes. Catabolic processes are those that break down larger substances into smaller components. An example of this would be the process where a fat cell breaks down into fatty acids used for energy.

An anabolic process occurs when smaller components combine to form a bigger component. For example, amino acids combine to form proteins the body uses to build/repair muscle tissue.

weight, protein powder, shaker bottle, eggs, bananas

There is a strong link between metabolism and energy. The more energy a person expends daily, the more they'll need their metabolic processes to supply energy. On the other hand, the more sedentary a person is, the less they'll need energy to function, slowing down their metabolism. Nitric oxide supplementation is a great way to combat aging, as it helps increase energy and blood flow, so you can fight back in the gym!

Does Metabolism Slow Down As You Get Older?

Since every person has a unique metabolism and lifestyle, it's difficult to make broad statements about when a person's metabolism slows down. However, there are a few milestones that both men and women have reported concerning maintaining a healthy weight and fitness level.

In Your 30s

In general, sometime around age 30, the average person begins to notice difficulty maintaining their current weight. This is especially true for those who follow a sedentary lifestyle. If a person continues to be sedentary, they're likely to lose 3-5% of their muscle mass within a decade. Having a lower level of muscle mass means a person requires less energy from food and beverages. To maintain their weight, sedentary people need to be more active and/or consume fewer calories from food and drink.

In Your 40s

Regardless of whether a person is active or sedentary, this is when the average person begins to lose some muscle mass. This process is sometimes referred to as sarcopenia. Without intervention, it'll gradually continue throughout a person's life.

In Your 50s and Up

Women especially, but men too, often notice a decline beginning in their late 50s. Their ability to keep excess weight off and maintain muscle mass becomes a struggle. For men, this age-related metabolic decline may be due to declining testosterone levels. Lower testosterone levels lead to less muscle mass. In turn, having a smaller muscle mass means less energy requires less energy. The metabolic process doesn't need to work as hard to generate energy when there's less muscle.

older man strength training with barbell in a gym

Can You Change Your Metabolic Age?

While no one can avoid aging, there are many ways people can "turn back time" on their metabolic age. Everyone has a basic metabolic rate their body requires to perform basic unconscious functions. The key to turning back one's metabolic age is to increase the body's need for energy. The increased need for energy comes from movement and increased muscle mass.

One way to manage your calorie intake and shed pounds is to try an 18:6 intermittent fasting schedule.

The more physically active a person is the more energy their body will need. Both strength training and increased muscle mass keep the demand for continual energy at high levels.

To meet increased energy, your body needs quality sources of energy. A nutritious diet and regular hydration are great ways to start. But adding in quality supplements such as Mdrive Boost and Burn, can help you stay active. By taking good care of your body, you can expect to reap the benefits of a lifetime of great health and vitality.


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