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25% OFF first 4 Months of Autoship with code NYNT25
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Trusted by over 1-Million Men

The best protein-packed brunch recipes

man with beard

Rick Baraff
Adventure Athlete

You've worked hard all week. It's time to kick your weekend off with a relaxing morning, delicious meal and a cold beverage. You know what that means - brunch. It’s not breakfast. It’s not lunch. And there are NO rules on what to eat.

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These delicious, protein-packed recipes are made with our performance protein powder Mdrive Start, so you can indulge while knowing you're also getting the benefits of nine premium supplements at the same time.

Mdrive Start - 9 supplements in one tasty shake

    Ready to get cooking? Check out our recipes for Chocolate START ME UP Pancakes and the soon-to-be-world-famous START-arita! Yep, it's a margarita, but made with chocolate Mdrive Start. Trust us, it works.


    Protein PancakesYes, these are the chocolate protein pancakes you’re looking for! Did we mention they’re full of protein? Yep, one-and-a-half heaping scoops of your favorite (or soon to be favorite) performance protein shake, Mdrive Start. It's packed with no less than six forms of protein, plus adaptogens, amino acids and more. Second, did we mention these are MANcakes? Not your average pancake, nope. These are thick and hearty. Truth be told, this batter is on the thick side, so you will probably have to manipulate them a bit when you’re pouring them into the pan. No runny pancake mix at Mdrive! We made about a dozen Hulk Hogan fist-sized pancakes (IYKYK) from this recipe, so neither you, nor your three best workout buddies will go hungry.

    NOTE: We did use some pretty fine-ground Bob’s Red Mill 100% Stone Ground Organic Whole Wheat Pastry Flour, so this made them a little thicker as it absorbs the milk and liquids more. Feel free to use what you have on hand, shouldn’t affect the taste.

    About 12 protein-packed pancakes. Enough for ~4 healthy servings.


    2.5 cups wheat flour (see note above)

    1.5 Scoops Mdrive Start
    1 TBSP baking powder
    1 healthy pinch salt
    2.5 Cups plant milk (we used Oatly 2% oat milk)
    2 TBSP coconut oil
    1 teaspoon agave
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla
    3/4-1 cup of blueberries (more if ya like blueberries)
    1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional, for more decadence)


    Mix together the dry ingredients (flour, Mdrive Start, baking powder, salt) in a large bowl. Slowly mix in the plant milk, then coconut oil, agave, and vanilla until you’ve got a nice hearty batter. Add a bit more milk and/or coconut oil if you still have some dry flour. Then add in the blueberries (or cut fruit of choice, i.e. strawberries, raspberries) and if you want extra layers, a touch of cinnamon. Heat your pan over medium. Pour out heaping fist size scoops into your pan and work them into round mancakes. Top with maple syrup and butter (vegan or regular) or slather on some jam! Get chowing.


    Chocolate MargaritaWhat?! A chocolate margarita… with healthful proteins and adaptogens? Yes. At Mdrive, we go above and beyond to make fueling yourself simple, effective, and darn enjoyable. Needless to say, our tasters raved. It’s decadent, super flavorful, refreshing, and packs a punch in more ways than one (strong bones and strong kick). We’ll even go so far as to say it’s the healthiest adult drink you’ll ever imbibe! Just whip all the ingredients together in a speedy blender and pour into your favorite cocktail glasses, tumblers, water bottle, or beverage holder of choice!

    NOTE: All measurements are good approximations. If you want it less strong, add more ice. If you want it to take the edge off quicker, well, you know the drill on 1-ounce pours.

    Amazingly, the healthy splashes of orange juice and lime juice add a whole new invigorating dimension and compliment to chocolate beautifully.

    About 16-20 ounces of Start-arita. Enough for ~4 healthy servings.

    2 cups ice (blend for a few seconds first)

    1 scoop Mdrive Start
    2 oz blanco tequila
    1 oz chocolate/coffee liqueur (we used good old Kahlua)
    1 oz half and half
    Healthy splash of orange juice
    Healthy splash of lime juice

    Blend the ice a bit first so it's more crushed than cubed. Then, happily blend all the above together, but don’t over-blend. Enjoy!

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