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25% OFF first 4 Months of Autoship with code NYNT25
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Trusted by over 1-Million Men
25% OFF first 4 Months of Autoship with code NYNT25
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Trusted by over 1-Million Men

Mdrive Spotlight: Greg

Meet Greg, An Mdrive Customer

Mdrive customer Greg

I’ve always considered myself to be an average guy, trying to stay healthy and in shape through the aging process. As an older guy who just wants to stay active, I need lasting energy to get through long working hours and stick to my fitness routine. But about 5 years ago, I started feeling low energy from a lack of T.

While low T is a problem for many, my situation was unique. Most T treatments I took weren’t helping and caused other issues. Instead of giving up, I started researching for a better way to get my drive back. That’s when I discovered Mdrive.

If you know our brand, you know we’re endorsed by celebrity sports radio hosts and athletes alike. While it helps us to have recognized names talk about our products, it leaves out a crucial part of our message: Mdrive is for the driven. And that can be anyone.

Take Greg, an Mdrive customer who had trouble producing T despite T-therapy from medical professionals. We interviewed him to see what made him turn to Mdrive. Let’s take a look at how Mdrive helped Greg increase his T-levels and feel energized.


“I’m not trying to look like I’m 24, but I needed something to help me get back to working out again.”

Like so many Mdrive users, Greg is a blue-collar guy. He works as a lineman, a demanding job that sometimes requires him to work all night through the morning. At 56, going on 57, Greg has realistic expectations about his body. He enjoys working out and even got into Crossfit for a while, but doesn’t expect to feel like he did at 24. To feel at his best and to fuel his lifestyle, Greg needs T levels above 400.

About five years ago, Greg started experiencing low energy. He decided it was time to visit a doctor. After running a blood test, his doctor informed him that his T levels were low—which explained his lack of energy. His doctor referred him to a urologist, who started Greg on T-therapy. After about a couple of years of T-therapy, Greg had multiple issues that caused him to look at other more natural ways to help with his T-levels.

Why Did Greg Choose Mdrive?

His son-in-law introduced him to Mdrive.

Disclaimer: This is but one person’s journey trying to manage a healthy T level and is talked about here as only one possible success story with our products. Everyone has different body chemistry and lifestyles and will need to try multiple things before they settle on something that works for them. If you want to try Mdrive, we recommend our customers take it for at least 60 days before gauging their results. And we have a full money-back guarantee if it is not for you.

Determined to follow the instructions, Greg wanted to see how taking Mdrive would help him manage a healthy T level. For this to work, Greg committed himself to using Mdrive products regularly. As a result, he experienced more energy and higher levels of T. But with so many men’s supplements out there, promising instant results, what made Greg choose Mdrive? After enjoying the way our products made him feel, Greg decided to research Mdrive more.

Our goal at Mdrive isn't to sell you a product, we want to help you get your drive back. Through social media, reviews, and browsing our website, Greg felt like Mdrive was right for him. He noticed countless stories and testimonials coming from older men who, like him, enjoy staying in shape but need an extra boost. This was the exact kind of product a guy like Greg needed to start his path to getting his drive back.

“I always think it’s important to do your research. After reading the success stories of other older guys, I felt like this was the product for me.”

What Mdrive Products Does He Take?

Greg started his Mdrive journey by taking Mdrive Start. To get lasting energy throughout the day, Greg takes Start regularly in the morning along with Mdrive Prime. He likes Start because it keeps him full through the morning hours.

“I don’t always have time to eat breakfast, so the shake comes in handy and keeps me full…”

After six full weeks on Mdrive, his T-levels picked up. He had two blood tests six weeks apart and noticed incredible results (off of T-therapy, by the way). His T-levels were at 600. Greg was finally getting the results he desired.

Find Out if Mdrive Is Right for You

Greg achieved his results because he was determined to find a solution. If you’re like Greg, you’re looking for a trustworthy product that can help you feel energized and driven. He did his research, read our story, and sampled our products before making a decision. We encourage you to take the same. Start with the Mdrive Quiz, it’s the best way to find out which Mdrive product can help you achieve real results.

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